Educational Brochure


Our mission

We are the Smart Grid lab at SDSU, which advocates renewable energy and smart grid. Our purpose is to raise awareness and serve the community the best of their interests. Our goal is to help members of the community to figure out their renewable energy potentials and have their voices heard for their energy needs.

Why renewable energy?


The amount of available solar energy is greater than the resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined.

Potential cost reduction

Governments and private companies keep investing in renewable energy to lower the price to make them the main source of energy supply in the future.



Renewable energy from wind, water, and sunlight conserve water and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

It also reserves non-renewable resources for our future generations.

Why Imperial Valley?


Imperial Valley has the best solar potential on average in the US. This area can receive 8 hours of sunshine a day. With its flat terrain, there are more available locations for solar panels.

Solar energy can increase the profit for farmers as a passive income when they grow the crops beneath the solar plan (agrivoltaic). Besides, in urban areas, solar panels act as roof shades to reduce the heat of the building.

Why San Diego State University?

SDSU campus is advocating sustainability. Smart Grid lab wants to bring technology and transfer the state-of-art solution to the Imperial Valley community. Our students are eager to contribute back to the community.

How can you help?

Our research team wants to estimate the availability of solar energy at your house compare to the other in your area. If we have enough samples, we can create a good picture of solar energy availability in an entire valley.

You can help us by hosting our sensor on your rooftop to measure solar radiation at no cost. This will not only help you; it also helps our researchers at SDSU to provide a unique service to the community.


Another way to help us: Survey

Please help us by filling out a short survey. This will raise the voice of the community and make a sound for policymakers, researchers, and brighten the future of the community.

It only takes 5 minutes, but the impact on the future of solar energy in Imperial Valley is invaluable.