Risk Averse Generation Maintenance Scheduling with Microgrid Aggregators

  • S. D. Manshadi, M. E. Khodayar
  • IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, in press, 2017
  • Publication year: 2017

This paper presents risk-averse long-term generation maintenance scheduling in the power systems with considerable installed capacity of microgrids. Microgrid aggregators facilitate the participation of microgrids in the wholesale market. In this paper, the effect of microgrids as controllable demand entities on the generation maintenance scheduling practices in the power system is investigated. The uncertainties in the marginal cost of generation in microgrids, the generation capacity installed within the microgrids, and the system electricity demand are captured using respective nominal values and uncertainty intervals. Moreover, the contingencies in transmission network are addressed by introducing additional variables. A two-stage robust optimization problem is formulated to determine a trade-off among the performance and conservativeness of the procured solution in the long-term operation horizon. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear programming problem and column-and-constraint generation procedure is used to solve the problem. The master problem minimizes the maintenance cost of the generation units subjected to generation units’ constraints in the long-term operation horizon and the sub-problems determine the worst realization of the uncertainties and generate additional constraints in the master problem. The proposed methodology is applied to two case studies for a 6-bus and IEEE 118-bus power systems.

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