Multiple Period Ramping Processes in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets

  • M. E. Khodayar, S. D. Manshadi, H. Wu, and J. Lin
  • IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1634-1644, Oct. 2016.
  • Publication year: 2016

This paper proposes an approach to formulate the multiple-period ramping capability of dispatchable generation resources and evaluates the impact of this service on the generation scheduling in day-ahead electricity market. It is discussed that the multiple-period ramping enhances the load following capability of dispatchable generation resources and improves the dispatchability of renewable energy resources in power systems. The presented approach encompasses the uncertainties in the operation scheduling of power systems, using scenario based stochastic security-constrained unit commitment. The presented case studies also highlight the merits of integrating energy storage facilities to reduce the ramping services provided by dispatchable generation resources with respective costs.

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